“A picture is a poem without words.“
Nic’s portfolio features recent and signature productions, and includes photographs and some video material.
In the archival section is a complete list of all the productions he has directed since 1981 to serve as a record of his work, some with photographs and video clips.
I hope you enjoy your tour.
“Elusive” is an adjective always used about Claude Debussy’s 1902 opera Pelléas et Mélisande, but in the Canadian Opera Company’s current production a first-rate cast, intriguing design and insightful direction bring out the work’s strange beauty and make it dramatically compelling. This is the first time this critic has been so drawn into this opera’s world of mystery and half-light. Debussy basically set Maurice Maeterlinck’s influential 1893 symbolist play of the same name, with a few excisions, to music. In both, all the characters sense, even in their happiest moments, that they are acting out a predetermined destiny. Director Nicholas Muni’s great insight is to allow the three principal characters at least the illusion they are acting of their own free will.” Christopher Hoile, OPERA NEWS